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Disability: Living as disable person

The story is based on real facts. One of the residents of our village contacted us to share his story and at the same time motivate disable people with a disability. Disability: Living as disable person - after reading this story, you will understand that disability is not the end of the world, but rather the beginning of a new and probably better life. Let's get to know the story of Ian, a resident of Thorney Village.

"I have been paralyzed from the waist down for the past 13 years. For the first year I just wanted to die, imagine being able to walk, run, jump up and down, playing out doors even indoors with your kids and grandchildren, having it all taken away in a blink of an eye.

Yep, my life changed in seconds. I begged God to take my life. "What was the point after all" I told myself. All my friends and family attitudes changed they started treating me differently. In the beginning they hung around, some I guess to show pity, others was just curious and wanted to have a look. Eventually all the people I once considered my best mates became more and more distant and busy, they didn't want to hang out with me anymore.

That definitely didn't help with my self-esteem, I felt alone and rejected, even my very own family members were acting strange towards me. Again, I just wanted to die.

I would really love to tell you all my entire story, unfortunately, that would be at another time. Now, I'll like to share my experiences to all those whom are struggling with a disability and feels as if life has no meaning anymore.

That's so not the case. Now, I am working out at the gym four days a week, I go out for meals, ever so often I give motivational speech to a few people that needs it. I was at one time training to participate in the Paralympic Games, I met my partner the most amazing woman in the world and got married. All this, while sat in a wheelchair paralyze from the waist down.

I am not trying to sound boastful. No, not at all. You can achieve anything you set your mind to do regardless of your circumstances, don't allow anyone to put you down and break your spirit. As long as there's breath in your lungs push forward and keep pushing until you reach to the point you're aiming to.

People can be cruel, unintentionally. Because they don't really know what to say and how to act towards someone who's had a drastic chance in their life. Don't hold it to them, after all, we are all humans and we all grief differently.

I hope I've touched someone's life out there and will like very much to continue sharing my experiences with you all".

A touching statement, which motivates not only the disabled. Thank you to Ian for this story. We are glad to have such a strong and motivated neighbors in our village. We're looking forward to the next part of your story and experiences. All the best and good luck.


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