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Thorney Village - working together for the good of our community

The times when one of the specialized institutions was solving each social and economic problem, and specialists from different fields often did not know each other about their existence, they belong irrevocably to the past. In an age of information society in which various thought patterns are intertwined, disappearing and appearing in the least expected places, the only way to achieve social well-being is a holistic and multifaceted approach. However, in order to solve problems comprehensively, cooperation between people and organizations with different spheres of activity is necessary.

This is what happened to our community. Normal post on Facebook aroused willingness to cooperate for the common good and it was great. The rapid reaction of the residents caused a quick removal of the fault. As a resident of this wonderful village, I am delighted that I live among the people of good intentions. It is great that in such situations the society is united.

A minor flaw but the instant action of the residents...

I believe that it will be reassuring for new residents of our village. That's why it's important to have eyes open to all - small and large - problems. Below you will find a contact for which you should report any type of malfunction.

Peterborough Highways Services - Contact number: 0845 604 3127

UK Power Networks - Contact number 0800 029 4285

Peterborough City Council - Contact number 01733 747474


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